Advertise on Advertising Options Promote your web site here at With, there are couple of different ways that you can promote your product or web site. We have options that cater to a variety of advertising needs as well as different budget-types. These options give you the opportunity to take advantage of the large number of users and the visitors that use the site daily.
1) Banner Advertisement:
USD 3.0000 per 1000 Banner Impressions rotated at the bottom of each page.
USD 4.0000 per 1000 Banner Impressions rotated at the top of each page.
2) PaidLinks Advertisement:
For just USD 2.0000, you can get unlimited visitors to your website. Our first 2000 members will get paid for visiting your website . You'll continue to receive traffic because your link will be displayed on our links page forever but it will be rotated down when your funds get low as we display the links in order of hits remaining. The more you fund your link, the more traffic you'll get!

3) Paid 2 Read Email Advertisement:
For just USD 7.0000, you can get your solo ad sent to our members with a guaranteed clickthru of 2500 visitors to your website. Our first members will get paid for visiting your website.
4) Link Box Advertisement:
For just USD 7.0000, you can get your link displayed at the bottom of all the pages of our website for 7 month(s).
5) Paid 2 Signup Offer / Pay per action Advertisement:
You can offer special incentives to our members for joining your free/paid offer. For this advertisement you need to Contact Us.
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